Under the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law (MWPCL), employers are required to pay their employees’ wages for all work they have performed. Wages are broadly defined as all compensation that is due to an employee, including: Commissions Bonuses Fringe benefits...
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Fair Labor Standards Act
New Proposed Federal Rule Could Make Millions of Workers Eligible for Overtime
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, employees who work more than 40 hours a week are entitled to overtime pay. However, there are a few exceptions to this general rule. Under the law, employees are exempt from overtime pay if they: Works in a "bona fide executive,...
Are High-Paid Executives Eligible for Overtime?
Are High-Paid Executives Eligible for Overtime? Under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), a majority of U.S. employees are entitled to minimum wage and overtime pay of at least 1-1/2 times their regular rate of pay if they work more than 40 hours in a week....
Are Summer Interns Entitled to Pay?
If you are considering hiring a summer intern, it would be wise to start planning now. Internships can be an invaluable resource for inexperienced workers. They can also provide businesses with a steady stream of future employees who are already familiar with your...
CBS NEWS/WJZ Baltimore Reports on Rampant Wage Theft in Maryland
Has your employer ever: Shorted you on a paycheck Bounced a paycheck Kept you on call but never paid you for your on-call time Paid you less than minimum wage Changed your timecard so it appeared you worked fewer hours than you actually did Told you you’re not...
Labor Department Proposal Would Tighten Classification of Contractors
On Oct. 13, the U.S. Department of Labor issued a proposed rule that could many employers, especially those operating in the “gig economy.” The proposed rule would change who could potentially be classified as an independent contractor as opposed to an employee. Why...
Love May Be Blind, But Courts Are Watching
A former contestant on the Netflix reality show “Love is Blind” has filed a lawsuit alleging, among other things, that he was subjected to “inhumane working conditions,” and that he was improperly classified as an independent contractor. In his complaint,...
Chick-fil-A Plays Game of Chicken With the FLSA
by Aron Zavaro, Esq. Residents of Hendersonville, North Carolina were taken aback when their local Chick-fil-A made a Facebook post which attempted to recruit workers with the promise of free food in lieu of compensation. The post read: “We are looking for volunteers...
Lessons from The Office: Do Employees Need to Be Paid for Volunteer Work?
In the season 4 episode of The Office titled “Fun Run,” the character of Michael Scott (the Regional Manager of the fictional company Dunder Mifflin Inc., played by Steve Carell), accidentally hits his employee, Meredith, with his car, sending her to the hospital. ...
Denny’s Faces Class Action on Behalf of 8,400 Servers
A three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled that the diner chain failed to pay proper wages to servers. At issue were tasks that did not relate directly to their positions as servers. The lead plaintiff, Lindsay Rafferty, is a former...